The Schumacher Society is a UK registered charity; the society’s articles of constitution are publicly available.
Pepik founded the Amsterdam and Ghent based consultancy Mister Lion. He has intervened in a wide range of societal fields from urban mobility to animal free innovation. His practice consists of sowing trust and exploring new possibilities between a great variety of actors. Pepik is the author of Frontrunners in action (Burgermeesterboek, van Gorcum 2012), in which he proposes a method for local sustainable innovation. In his recent book on becoming a professional human he relies on direct observations and sensing to understand his practice and develop it further (A Warrior's Rest, prepublication Mister Lion 2023). He was trained as an engineer at Delft Technical University (1995). After having worked in the oil industry he did the Masters in Holistic Science at Schumacher College (2000) after which he co-created and developed several organisations aimed at serving the public good.
Patricia brings her studies in complexity and emergence, in improvisatory theatre and dance, in group dialogue and conversation, in Goethian approaches to social phenomena, to experiments in education and organising that work with joint inquiry. She has advised corporations and communities around the world, been a visiting Professor of the University of Hertfordshire for 15 years and has been a longterm (1993 to 2018) friend of Schumacher College and its worldwide network of alumni, serving as teacher, mentor, advisor, research convenor and member of its first steering group. ‘Changing Conversations in Organisations’ is published by Routledge.
Julie Richardson is an ecological economist with over 30 years experience working across different fields including academia, business, NGO’s, community development, the public sector and international development. In 2017, at Schumacher College, she co-initiated the Schumacher Worldwide programme supporting the emergence of an international community of practitioners inspired by EF Schumacher.
Jon has a life-long practice of opening and holding spaces for people and ideas to flourish within communities and the web of life. He has worked through the United Nations and related organisations with Bedouin communities in Syria, and elsewhere to weave together customary and state tenure systems and institutions. As co-facilitator of one of the five arms of the Clinton Middle East Peace Process, Jon co-created joint programmes on desertification and water security among participating countries. With private, public and 3rd sector organisations in Dorset he brought forth new social enterprises, landscape conservation schemes and funding in what is now Wild Purbeck. As Head of Schumacher College the organisation blossomed with new partnerships and practice-based whole-person programmes at home and worldwide. Today, Jon is commissioning editor with Chelsea Green Publishers, runs the educational consultancy Ecoliteracy, and is director or trustee of a select number of charities and community interest companies. Jon received his doctorate from Oxford University, his masters from Sterling University and his undergraduate from George Mason University.
Hannah Drayson is a lecturer in the School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Plymouth. Her scholarly research focuses on the intersection of arts, science and medicine. Since 2017 Hannah has been co-convenor of the Transtechnology Research group, a group of over 20 doctoral researchers in the School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Plymouth who are concerned with developing scholarly and practical approaches to media technology and creativity.