Schumacher Society sees its legacy in the influential work of Dr. E.F. Schumacher (1911 – 1977). His pioneering book, ‘Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as If People Mattered’ emphasises human scale, appropriate and contextualised action that has had global influence across many fields related to land, scale, education and economics. In ‘Guide for the Perplexed‘ he draws our attention to the type of knowledge useful for the conduct of our lives emphasising the power of cultivating reflexive awareness to illuminate new insights and innovation. He goes on to develop a persuasive case to move beyond quantitative measurement towards cultivating qualitative appreciation of the things that matter most to lives and livelihoods and to sustain our vital relationship to all forms of life.
Schumacher Society takes forward this legacy in a particular way through contemporary education in the public realm (through the Research in Action Thinking in Public Previews and Releases) and through developing an approach to practitioner led research, which we call ‘Research as Barefoot Wayfaring’
You can read more here about the history of the society, its constitution, trustees, and the Research in Action Community.